
Lifestyle-home (Pty) Ltd (accessed at is committed to protecting and upholding your personal privacy and takes the protection of personal information very seriously. The purpose of this policy is to describe the way that we collect, store, use, and protect information that can be associated with you and can be used to identify you.


Collecting Personal Data


Upon registering on the Website you will have to provide us with personal details which may include:

  • your name and surname;

  • your email address;

  • your physical address;

  • your gender;

  • your mobile number;

  • your date of birth.

This information is relational to your account and is used to complete orders you may place via the site as well as provide additional services and information to you as we reasonably think appropriate.



Please note that this Website makes use of “cookies” which automatically collect information and data through standard operation of internet servers. These small text files are used to track usage behaviour and compile aggregate data that allows the website operator to improve functionality of the website and its content. It also enables more focused advertising by way of third party tools. “Cookies” and the data it collects is not used to personally identify you, but if you do not want his type of information to be collected you must disable “cookies” in your browser. You warrant that the failure to disable cookies represents consent to our use of any information collected. We collect certain information from cookies that we may send to your computer to try and give you a tailored experience.


Using Personal Data

Messages & Updates

We may use your personal information to send administrative messages and updates in relation to the website as well as marketing and promotional material. Please note that we will not send you promotional messages unless you have opted-in to receive them and you may opt-out at any point.


Directed Content

While on the website we may display targeted adverts and other promotional material based on your personal information. Please note that this process is automated, we do not share, sell or rent your personal information with advertisers. Lifestyle-home is liable to share user information with third parties if it pertains to law enforcement, government officials, fraud detection agencies, to report or support the investigations into alleged  suspected illegal activity, or to investigate Terms and Conditions infringements.


Storing Personal Data

Data Security

We are committed to protecting and upholding your personal data and have implemented systems and the necessary security measures which comply with the data protection laws of the country. Lifestyle-home authorises access to personal information and warrant that all its employees who have access to your personal information are bound by legal confidentiality agreements.


Data Retention

To perform the processes mentioned in this policy, we intend to store your personal information for as long as it is necessary. This excludes when retention is authorised by law or you have consented to the retention of your personal details. We are entitled to store your information in any form we see fit, this extends to but is not limited to physical records.


Updating or Removing Data

You may update or remove any piece of your personal data submitted to us. You can make the changes yourself by navigating to the relevant menus on the website. Alternatively, you could contact us via email to make the necessary changes to you personal details. You are responsible for keeping your personal information accurate and up to date by making the necessary changes via the website or contacting us via email.


SEO Cape Town:

All SEO Optimisation is carried out by BrandSeed, an SEO company based in Cape Town. BrandSeed believes in ethical SEO practices that protect the users’ privacy and respect the the best estimation of the users’ intent when searching. Visit their SEO Cape Town Article for more information or their SEO Company Checklist.

Last Updated 01/02/2021